13 October 2010

i hate you!!

asl'kum. aiyya! WTH that they doing until i hate them sooooo much now! haishh! nothing more to say except that I HATE THEM SO MUCH! attention,the person that i hate not my bf. hee~ urm,back to the story. who u think u are? haishh! jgnla anda engt yg anda tu bgos sgt. skang nh aku tga mmbnci due org llaki. so what? i don't care la wether u wnt to hate me or not,kau org uknnye kesa pon psl prasaan aku arn. so,GTH! ******,aku bnci kau sbb kau ta abes2 na crik psl gn aku. ape slh aku? yup! aku ngaku aku pna wt slh gn kau,but it was long time ago. tp aku ta tau la wether kau da maafkn aku atau ta. haishh! nyampah la aku gn kau skang. i'm confess that i nver hate u before n aku ta pndai na bnci kau sbb bgi aku,dlu kau bek sgt. but,it was before. now,u're totally change! i don't know coz of what. humph! n u ***. kau jgn fkir kau tu bgos sgt la! weyh,just GTH la u! laki cm kau mmg ta ptot ade dlm hidup aku tau ta. kau bnci aku??? so what? aku 1000000 kli bnci at kau,kau tau ta. da la snobbish! mnympah aku tgk muke kau tau ta! nta pape,egt aku heran sgt ke if u hate me? sorry,u're totally wrong if u think like that. i don't care if u wnt to hate me or not. I DON'T CARE AT ALL!!!!!! sorry, a little bit harsh about what i'm post on my entry. i just wnt to express about ma unsatisfied towards THEM! haishh! dyuwg yg ta pna na hrgai org yg ade at skelling mreka. huh! nta pape.

aku ta phm la,asal dyorg tu ekh? haishh!
pna plak arn aku wt slh at dyorg. urm,it's up to them la.
mls da na ksut2 arn pale otk fkir psl due dak
laki uh.
lau dyorg trbce entry aku nh,bgosla.
bia dyorg tau btape BNCI nye aku at dyorg.
n bia dyorg tau yg dyorg tu uknnye bgos sgt pon.
yes! mnusie mmg ta ade yg perfect rite?
smela gn aku. aku ta pna smpurne.
tp,at least, kite knela brushe utk jd yg lbey bek.
ny ta,dri dlu smpai skang sme jeq prgai.
aku ttbe rse na ckp bnde ny la :
  • yes! i'm not the perfect gurl like u!
  • yes! i'm not pretty like u!
  • yes! i'm not brilliant like u!
  • yes! i'm not as honest as u!
  • yes! i'm not from rich family like u!
at least,i have just to be myself. nobody else! i don't need to pretend to be as perfect as anyone.
i repeat it again, I JUST BE MYSELF!
if there's a person don't like my personal or my attitude.
just,GTH! i don't care.
aku ta suke la org yg hipokrit nh.
dpn aku lain,dpn org lain,lagila dy jd lain.
ta suke!ta suke!ta suke!
jdi jeq la dri sndri.
aku rse org lain lbey suke klau dy ta hipokrit.
ny ta,ade sgelintirnye,ble dpan lki jeq,
trgdik sane,trgedik sni.
adeyh~ ape la na jd gn mreka ye agknye. hee~
urm,suke hati mreke la.
yg pnting,brhati2 la djln rye.
syangi nyawe anda k!
HHA! (^_^)

p/s : i miss him now! i need u!!!!

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